Fan Art

Anime Dr. McCoy
Aug 14, 2002
Medium: Pencil, Adobe Photoshop
One of my favorite characters from The Original Series, Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy, drawn in Japanese anime style. ^_^

Film Debut
Aug. 15, 2002
Medium: Pencil
Though this scene is not from Star Trek, it does feature a Trek actor so it kinda counts. Online, I found a photo of then-28-year-old actor DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy on The Original Series) from his debut film, the 1947 film noir Fear in the Night. The photo just begged to be drawn but the problem was at the time I wanted to draw this, my drawing skills needed to be brought back, since I did not have plenty of time (save about three to four drawings) to draw during my freshman year in college. Since that time, I attempted to draw other things that I could such as "Human Luna" and "The Love Crusader", both of which can be found under the Sailormoon and Original Art sections, respectively. After several attempts of drawing again, I felt I was ready to do a sketch of that picture.

This was planned to be drawn during the 4th of July weekend but was finally created on August 15, 2002. It took the entire day to complete but it was worth it. It was that drawing where my drawing skills have made a comeback.

And yes, it’s surprising how young Kelley looked in that pic. -_^

P.S. My only nitpick with that drawing is I drew Kelley as though he is sitting nearly straight up whereas in the photo, he was more bent over while sitting down. Other than that, I love this drawing a lot.
Bonus: the original photo that inspired the drawing

Anime McCoy II
Drawn: Dec. 20, 2002, Colorized: Dec. 22, 2002
Medium: Pencil, Prang color pencils
"I'm a doctor, not an anime character!"

DeForest Kelley: 1920-1999
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